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Libsemanage is the library responsible for building a kernel policy from policy modules. It has many features but one that is rarely mentioned is the policy validation hook. This page will show you how to make a basic validator and tell libsemanage to run it before allowing any policy updates.

First we'll write the validator. In this case we'll use sesearch to search for a rule between user_t and shadow_t. The purpose of this validator is to never allow a policy update that allows user_t to access shadow_t.

Make a file in /usr/local/bin/validate that contains the following (remember to chmod +x it or semodule will fail):


# Usage: validate <policy file> 
# The following searches for a file rule with user_t as the source and shadow_t as the target.
# If the output of sesearch has "Found", meaning matching rules were found, then grep will return 0
# otherwise it will return 1. This is actually the reverse of the logic we want, so we'll reverse it.
sesearch --allow -s user_t -t shadow_t -c file $1 | grep "Found" > /dev/null

if [ $? == 1 ]; then
        exit 0

exit 1

Then add the validation script to /etc/selinux/semanage.conf

[verify kernel]
path = /usr/local/bin/validate
args = $@

Next try rebuilding your policy with no changes:

semodule -B

It should succeed. Make a module that would violate this rule:

module badmod 1.0;
require {
      type user_t, shadow_t;
      class file { read };
allow user_t shadow_t : file read;

Do the standard compilation steps:

[root@F12 ~]# checkmodule -o badmod.mod badmod.te -m -M
checkmodule:  loading policy configuration from badmod.te
checkmodule:  policy configuration loaded
checkmodule:  writing binary representation (version 10) to badmod.mod
[root@F12 ~]# semodule_package -m badmod.mod -o badmod.pp

And then attempt to insert it:

[root@F12 ~]# semodule -i badmod.pp
semodule:  Failed!

You can run sesearch yourself to ensure that there is no matching rule:

[root@F12 ~]# sesearch --allow -s user_t -t shadow_t -c file 

There is also a [verify module] and [verify linked].